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Posted August 7, 2013 - Sophia. Our sweet 3-legged rescue dog. She originally came from a hoarder with over 80 dogs. When the rescuers came back for the last of the dogs, they asked the hoarder if she had any other animals. She told them she did but they "wouldn't want it". The rescuers pursued it and eventually the woman brought them a small dog she'd named "Gimpy", a play on her having three legs. Not at all a humorous name given the fact she lost that leg due to neglect of the hoarder. The folks that rescued her tried and tried to get her adopted but "Keela" as she'd been renamed, had 2 big strikes against her. 1: She's black and black dogs rarely get adopted and... 2: She's "handicapped" and those dogs very, very rarely get adopted. Seeing this sweet baby and knowing we could handle it, we offered to adopt her. Boy are we glad we did! If you don't pay close attention, you don't realize she only has three legs. She runs as fast as our other dogs and she's just pure muscle. She is just so very sweet and downright cute. I call her the "cutest little 3-legged doggie ever".

Posted August 7, 2013 – Sophia. Our sweet 3-legged rescue dog. She originally came from a hoarder with over 80 dogs. When the rescuers came back for the last of the dogs, they asked the hoarder if she had any other animals. She told them she did but they “wouldn’t want it”. The rescuers pursued it and eventually the woman brought them a small dog she’d named “Gimpy”, a play on her having three legs. Not at all a humorous name given the fact she lost that leg due to neglect of the hoarder. The folks that rescued her tried and tried to get her adopted but “Keela” as she’d been renamed, had 2 big strikes against her. 1: She’s black and black dogs rarely get adopted and… 2: She’s “handicapped” and those dogs very, very rarely get adopted. Seeing this sweet baby and knowing we could handle it, we offered to adopt her. Boy are we glad we did! If you don’t pay close attention, you don’t realize she only has three legs. She runs as fast as our other dogs and she’s just pure muscle. She is just so very sweet and downright cute. I call her the “cutest little 3-legged doggie ever”.