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Posted April 3, 2018 at Melbourne Beach, FL - Beyond the sea, beyond the sea, My heart is gone, far, far from me; And ever on its track will flee. My thoughts, my dreams, beyond the sea. . Beyond the sea, beyond the sea, The swallow wanders fast and free: Oh, happy bird! Were I like thee, I, too, would fly beyond the sea. . Beyond the sea, beyond the sea, Are kindly hearts and social glee: But here for me they may not be; My heart is gone beyond the sea. by Thomas Love Peacock

Posted April 3, 2018 at Melbourne Beach, FL – Beyond the sea, beyond the sea, My heart is gone, far, far from me; And ever on its track will flee. My thoughts, my dreams, beyond the sea. . Beyond the sea, beyond the sea, The swallow wanders fast and free: Oh, happy bird! Were I like thee, I, too, would fly beyond the sea. . Beyond the sea, beyond the sea, Are kindly hearts and social glee: But here for me they may not be; My heart is gone beyond the sea. by Thomas Love Peacock