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Posted September 17, 2016 - Yesterday our littlest girl earned her wings. Sophia was an amazing doggie that never let early neglect, the loss of a leg, or a nine month battle with Leukemia deter her from living her life to the fullest. She taught us so much in her time with us. Over six years of love, toughness, and her amazing personality. The house is far too quiet in the hours since she’s been gone. I’ll write more about her when I’m able, but for now just know I can’t wait to see her again. All dogs go to Heaven.

Posted September 17, 2016 – Yesterday our littlest girl earned her wings. Sophia was an amazing doggie that never let early neglect, the loss of a leg, or a nine month battle with Leukemia deter her from living her life to the fullest. She taught us so much in her time with us. Over six years of love, toughness, and her amazing personality. The house is far too quiet in the hours since she’s been gone. I’ll write more about her when I’m able, but for now just know I can’t wait to see her again. All dogs go to Heaven.