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Posted April 20, 2019 -A wise man once told me, “If you try to force a flower to bloom, you will break it. You can feed it, water it, give it sun, even prune it, but you can’t make it bloom. It does that on its own.” This advice has served me well through the years. It applies to people, relationships, work, all kinds of things. If it doesn’t flow and grow, let it go!

Posted April 20, 2019 -A wise man once told me, “If you try to force a flower to bloom, you will break it. You can feed it, water it, give it sun, even prune it, but you can’t make it bloom. It does that on its own.” This advice has served me well through the years. It applies to people, relationships, work, all kinds of things. If it doesn’t flow and grow, let it go!