*Quick Summary: The author waxes nostalgic while looking at his baby photo, and quickly recaps his family and childhood.*
I once heard someone say you should keep a baby picture of yourself on your nightstand. It reminds you where you came from, simultaneously forces you to look at a more innocent version of yourself, and hopefully not be as hard in judging who you are now as a result. So, I did it. I have to admit, I don’t look at it that often, but when I do, it does make me want to cut that baby some slack for the mistakes he’s eventually going to make. Regardless, I thought this would be a good excuse to write a quick, light, quite self-centered post about my early years.
I was born in Virginia in the Fall of 1971 to Bill and Mary Myrick. Surviving birth was a miracle, as I came into this world not breathing as a breech delivery. I’ve done most things feet first since. As a small child, I was sickly and nearly died several times from pneumonia, infections, and other ailments. Much of my illness was due to lingering issues from my birth. Many of my memories from the earliest days are of doctor visits and not feeling well. The fact I was able to live beyond my early years is evidence to me that God had a plan for my life.
I was fortunate to grow up in the most loving Christian family. My parents always showed their four children a lot of love and support. My mom was married and had two children before, but that did not stop my dad from raising all the kids as if they were his own. I always call Brett and Wendy my Brother and Sister. There is no “half”, or “step” here.
A bit of a sidetrack – As I’ve grown older, my parent’s love has never wavered. I don’t know where I would be without them. I could not list all the life-changing things they’ve done for me – Love, advice, support, generosity, all at just the right time. Always without fanfare or need of recognition. They are truly Christlike in their generosity and spirit of giving. If I was to equate words here with the degree of impact, the vast majority of this website would be about my parents and how amazing they are. Thanks Mom and Dad, I love you! You’ll always be at the core of who I am.
I mentioned four children; I was the youngest – “the Baby”.
My older brother Brett was the ultimate big brother. He was cool, athletic, and extremely intelligent. He lifted weights, went four-wheeling trucks in the mud with his buddies, could fix his own car, and got straight A’s in class. He was a good role model and being twelve years older, I looked up to him more than he will ever know. He was the measuring stick I regularly fell short of.
My older sister by ten years, Wendy was very loving towards me, but unfortunately, much of what I remember about her were some hard times in her late teens. The highlight of my memories was the fun we had no matter what else she was going through. I cannot remember a time when she ever failed to show me love, and we always had fun.
My older sister by five years, Michelle was the closest to me in age of all the children. We had a great relationship and were quite close, despite really getting on each other’s nerves occasionally as brother and sister sometimes do. I’ll write more on Michelle one day.
It was good being “the Baby” in the Myrick house. I can’t give you any tough stories of a bad family life because there were none. I was incredibly fortunate to have the family I did. I remember walks to the store or doctor’s office with Mom, being pulled in an old wood-sided Radio Flyer wagon, riding in the back of a 1968 Ford station wagon, getting a toy after my trips to the doctor or candy after church, and just generally feeling loved in my early childhood. Because of the age difference with my siblings and Dad’s work schedule, I spent more time with Mom than anyone else. She was and still is my buddy!
We were not wealthy by any stretch; we were definitely lower middle class. Mom and Dad worked a lot of hours to keep us from realizing how close to poor we were, and they did a magnificent job. We never went without, and I dare to say somehow we were still a bit spoiled.
And then I grew up, and needed to remind myself things were once so simple.