
Don’t feel God moving in your life?

Don’t feel God moving in your life? Let me help. Every second of your life, the most powerful supernatural evil in the history of time, Satan, is trying to destroy you. He wants nothing more than for you to be miserable and die. The fact you’re still alive shows God loves you and is active in your life. Not only did He know and love you before you were born, He saves your life every second of the day while He gave up His only son Jesus to die for your sins so you can live with Him forever. He’s doing His part and more. If you don’t feel God moving in your life, it’s you, not Him. Hit your knees in prayer, read your Bible, and God will eventually show up in a big way!

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Written by Michael Myrick

Welcome to my online home since 2004. I blog a bit about my life as it happens, my work as I am permitted, and occasional throwback entries. When I'm not writing new posts, I actively curate this blog, improving the wording or adding new media to old posts, and finally finishing old drafts I've left sitting for years. It is not my intention to be a source of news or content. I don’t have anything to sell, and I’m not trying to get likes/shares/follows. This site is an autobiographical effort - imperfections and all. My life, remembered in my words, my way.

When known, I include credit for photos in the captions. Contact me for photo credit or removal. *Side note: If you make one of my Mother's recipes, I'd be happy to post a photo of the finished product in the corresponding post, and give you full photo credit.

If you have comments or questions, feel free to visit the Contact page and fill out the form. I'll be happy to respond. Thanks for stopping by!