I know some moms. I know moms who have never had their own children, but are raising someone else’s. I know moms who have lost their children. I know children who have lost their moms. I know women who long to be a mom one day. I know women who have struggled to be a mom, but can’t. I know moms who have filled in where other moms lack. I know moms who have raised heroes. I know moms who have raised hoodlums. I know some moms who have raised both.
Some moms openly struggle. Some moms make it appear effortless. Some moms want to be just like their mom, and some want to be anyone but. Some moms are extraordinary. Some moms are very ordinary. Some moms are the very best mom any mom can be.
I’m privileged to know so many great women, many of them are moms. Today is their day! Happy Mother’s Day moms! And to those who have lost children, or to children who have lost your mom, don’t hate the day. Get through it the best you can. Be happy for the moms you know and love, while knowing I’m saying a little prayer for you right now. You haven’t been forgotten. Fake it until you make it, and love on a deserving mom today just like she’s your own.