*Quick Summary: The author’s wife attends REFIT® classes, and he discusses the benefits of her attendance.*
Soooo, I’m a REFIT® husband. No, I don’t dance. I don’t go to classes. I don’t own any spandex shorts. I just hang around the house doing manly tasks while my wife Brandy is gone for hours at a time dancing and having fun with her friends. I’m okay with that, and if you’re a REFIT husband/boyfriend, or about to be, you should be okay with it too. Why? Well first, let me explain what REFIT is.
From a nuts and bolts perspective, REFIT is dance fitness. It’s a zumba-like thing. Well, it’s better than zumba. It’s… it’s… doggone it. Okay, I’m stinking this up, so let me steal a few lines from their website: https://refitrev.com/ – “REFIT® combines several elements of fitness into one power-packed hour. While the focus is structured around CardioDance movements, toning and flexibility, strength training and stretching are also incorporated into the REFIT® workout. The workout formula is easy to follow and will both challenge fitness enthusiasts and welcome beginners.”
There. You can read more on their site if you want. They do a lot better job explaining it than I do, but let me tell you what else REFIT does and why you should not only support your wife or girlfriend’s involvement, but should thoroughly encourage it, or maybe even get involved yourself.
That quote above doesn’t do it justice, fellas. REFIT changed my lady’s life for the better. Yes, there’s dance and fitness and all that stuff involved, so from that perspective, it’s probably like a lot of other fitness things she’s tried in the past, but this isn’t a fad, it’s truly a revolution. It’s just as much about your better half’s heart, mind, and soul as it is her body. It’s a positive, faith and value-infused, support system for motivating her to reach her goals. My wife has found a second family with her REFIT community. She goes to two separate classes a week and I’ve met a lot of the people she is with in class. These are genuinely good people. Positive, stable, down-to-earth, folks. Shoot, I’d let every one of them hold my wallet, that’s how good they are. The kind of folks you can trust to advise your sweetheart about life, support her through the things we can’t always discuss at home, and genuinely take an interest in her. That’s not competition for your role in her life, that’s back-up! Imagine a whole group of people helping you help her, and that’s what you get with REFIT.
In addition, this isn’t about money. I’m the skeptical type, so I figured this was a little too good to be true and there HAD to be a catch, right? Nope. Yes, they have apparel for sale, but it’s not a scheme to sell her a pile of overpriced clothes. Heck, the founders themselves don’t always wear their own apparel, so you know they’re being genuine. The classes vary in price depending on the location, but it’s very reasonable and many of them donate a portion of the money to charitable causes or churches. I see ways they could easily expand on their profit, as they’ve built a loyal fan base of instructors and goodness knows how many participants, but it really isn’t about the money. As wild as it is in this day and age, the founders are these three women based out of Texas, who at their core, genuinely care about their REFIT family. I’m convinced they would still care if they never made a single dollar. To them, it’s about helping folks become more well-rounded as people, in a loving, supportive environment.
Now having said all that, this isn’t a women-only thing. Men and kids are welcome too, but the majority of the participants are probably going to be women, so that’s my focus here. If your lady’s class does have a guy in it, my sincere wish is that he’s like my buddy Junior Johnson. Junior is the reason Brandy is involved in REFIT. He’s positive, funny, as animated as a cartoon character, and just a genuinely good, Christian man. He’s not a REFIT instructor to steal your woman, he’s there to help motivate her to be a better person, because he knows the difference it has made in his own life. Because of his impact in her life, I’ve become friends with him as well, and I truly consider him one of the best people I’ve ever met. There are a few other men in Brandy’s classes, and all of them are upstanding Christians. Good guys. Heck, just throwing this out there, but maybe you’d want to join too?
I mentioned “community” and while I think that word gets overused today, it truly is a family environment. In the time Brandy has been involved, her REFIT friends have helped each other through the highs and lows of life. Births and deaths, unemployment and job changes, sickness, and other real-life issues. This community isn’t immune from those sorts of things, but it is a tremendous support system and group sounding board to help each other get through the tough times and celebrate the good. They do all that with a faith-based mindset that is incredibly positive and productive. True therapy from true people.
I’m so proud of Brandy. Not only has she taken an active interest in REFIT, but she’s become an instructor, and just recently, so has my mother-in-law. I’m excited to see what the future holds for my wife, while being appreciative of what she’s already gained. We are truly blessed she found this wonderful form of fitness.
This all begs the question – If these are the “pros”, what are the “cons”? Honestly, I haven’t found any. In my case, Brandy is gone for several hours each week, due to the driving time back and forth from her two classes, but knowing how good she feels when she comes home, it’s worth the time apart. It’s not going to break the bank from a money standpoint, and nobody is hitting on your lady while she’s working out, unlike some other forms of fitness. She’ll be happier, healthier, and yes, hotter than ever before, and all you have to do is encourage her to go. Now, there may be days she doesn’t want to go, so be there to tell her she needs to, simply because you know she’ll feel better afterwards. There may be times when she’ll want to buy a REFIT shirt, tank, DVD, socks, or something else from their store, but don’t worry, it’s all quality merchandise and it is reasonably priced. If it’ll encourage her to look the part, and that helps her feel more confident, then it’s a good thing, right? And lastly, she might be sore from time to time, so you might have to give her a foot rub, or back massage, but we all know where that can lead, and that’s not a bad thing either, am I right dudes? Ha-ha-ha! I didn’t think so!
In short my men, this is the real deal. A supportive community that helps get your woman in better physical shape, acts as a family in all the best ways, and helps her self-confidence while caring for her soul. Who else does that for her? Think about it, man – Your woman, but better, and you didn’t lift a finger or have to sweat in a pair of spandex shorts – unless you want to!