Someone once told me “Jesus is Truth”. They said the amount of Jesus you have in you equates to the amount of truth you have in you. If someone has no Jesus, they have no truth. Their white is black. Their up is down. Their in is out. The best they can do is guess at what’s right. If they have a little Jesus, they are “lukewarm” and pick and choose their personal truth. They might get it right, they might get it wrong, but they’ll have no consistency because their truth is not 100% based on Jesus.
I found those words both interesting and accurate. I have seen the more Jesus you have, the more discernment you are granted. While that doesn’t mean you will always be right on everything, it does provide for a lot more help in spiritual matters. We are all sinful creatures, so we will never always be right. But having more of Jesus Christ’s words and actions as your example does equate to being more able to navigate life and recognize the truth when you see it. Jesus = Truth.