I don’t think this post is for you as much as it is for me. This is 100% about losing my sweet Sophia. Here are some links that helped me a little. Maybe they’ll help you a little too?
- How to Grieve for a Very Good Dog: https://www.outsideonline.com/culture/essays-culture/pet-loss-dog-grief/
- Coping With The Loss Of Your Beloved Companion: https://www.matthews.carolinavet.com/files/cvs-coping-with-the-loss-of-a-beloved-companion.pdf
- You Have a Broken Heart: Grief Study Shows Losing Pet Nearly Worse Than Human: https://www.wideopenpets.com/pet-grief-study/?fbclid=IwAR2TCyoBeeQvkuL8F-6XLEtwYsU0L1rP-fxi12iDI3yUiPgi1c3rHYBOZJk
- Researchers Reveal Losing A Dog Can Be As Hard As Losing A Loved One: https://www.powerofpositivity.com/losing-a-dog-can-be-as-hard-as-losing-loved-one/?fbclid=IwAR27FcQ2DqVr9Zazug65KAvBaaBAxJMZk7I0MzjCo0FTA33eWLEunAfPSEw
- Why losing a dog can be harder than losing a relative or friend: https://theconversation.com/why-losing-a-dog-can-be-harder-than-losing-a-relative-or-friend-68207?fbclid=IwAR3_RRnI7Zz9am4tlixEMZXQtYPaD4PGaeUj2X0ghX8sKhn0dG7IQwnDoBo
- Why Losing A Dog Can Be Even More Painful Than The Death Of A Loved One: https://iheartdogs.com/why-losing-a-dog-can-be-even-more-painful-than-the-death-of-a-loved-one-2/?fbclid=IwAR3QaErmYuWNvrvPj6n-Exr7xWtHx7LhiGnY2krVF-g5n_1JXqGQaJBMM3g