I wonder why I have this blog sometimes. It’s a vain exercise. I started it to try to put my words out into the world, but that was well before the age of social media. It’s much easier to post there than it is to do an update here, so the blog just catches the tip of the iceberg most times. I feel bad, because I want this to be a cool place for friends and family to come, but it’s usually old news by the time they get here. Maybe one day I’ll log out from social media altogether and force people to come here if they want to see what’s going on in my life? As low as my audience is here (Hi Mom!), it’s more like talking to myself most times.
Maybe this is a form of therapy? It sure started out that way. I asked my buddy Eldon to help me start a website in the aftermath of the plane crash in 2004. It was amazing to put my thoughts down on screen, and I enjoyed learning code, not to mention making lots of mistakes along the way. My goal was to eventually write about the plane crash, and I didn’t ever plan for anything beyond that. As I sit here today, 10 years later, I still haven’t compiled my thoughts from that day, so I can say this blog certainly hasn’t realized its intended but quite limited potential.
Today, it’s not as important to me as it once was, but I still like to try to post every month or so. Maybe I’ll write about the plane crash one day? If I do, will that be my last post, or will that rekindle my feelings about this site? Who knows?
Anyway – ME!