*Quick Summary: The author discusses the benefits of working with Mission Aviation Fellowship.*
On January 12, 2010, a massive 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti. In the days following, relief efforts started, but I was most proud of the effort from Hendrick Motorsports, where I worked at the time, and in particular, Hendrick Motorsports Aviation, where my wife worked. Their response was nothing short of heroic, and the effects of that have been life-changing for us as well. They airlifted supplies and moved people for Missionary Flights International, but while on the ground in Haiti, found themselves in close contact with Mission Aviation Fellowship as well. While Rick Hendrick was the driving force behind the effort, after the trips, my wife and others in her department were presented the Hendrick Spirit Award. A story, along with photos of her and her co-workers also appeared in the book Shaking Ground Unshakable Faith. The benefits of those trips has extended well beyond awards and recognition though. For The Myricks, it has resulted in opportunities to serve those who are serving others.
One of the things that made an impact on my decision to leave Hendrick Motorsports after so many years, were words I’d heard a preacher say years before. Words that haunted me with conviction. He said words to the effect of, “we find ourselves comforting the comfortable, instead of serving the servers”. For a while after I heard that, when someone would ask me what I was doing, I’d say, “Comforting the comfortable”, and it was quite true. None of the people I encountered in that time in my life, myself included, truly needed anything. We were all quite capable of providing for all of our needs on our own. The words “comforting the comfortable” would ring in my head for years, especially when I’d encounter people who were wealthy, but not kind, famous, but not at all real. So when I made the decision to leave that job, I set about to find ways, no matter how small, to serve the servers instead.
We have built a relationship with a particular MAF missionary family whom my wife met on her first trips to Haiti right after the quake. We’ve both been to Haiti since, she more than I, but every time we’ve gone, our relationship with this wonderful family has grown stronger and stronger. We’ve had the opportunity to host them in our home, supply some basic things from time to time, and just be here if we can help. No matter what we give or do, we always receive more in return. The scales never balance, and we’re never left wanting. The more you give, the more you get.
The goal of this post is simple – if you can be a part of something like this, in fact, this exact thing we are doing – then do it. If not, I’d still love to encourage you in ways to serve the servers in places like Haiti and elsewhere. It doesn’t always have to be a monetary thing. Yes, they will always need funds, but they also need prayer, words of encouragement, and sometimes simple things you might overlook. Sometimes it’s prayer. Sometimes it’s labor. Sometimes it’s a box of their favorite snacks from home. Sometimes it’s the willingness to give something you may not need anyway. Maybe you can donate a GoPro camera you don’t use anymore so they could better document their trips to increase awareness and funding. Maybe you upgraded your phone and don’t know what to do with the old one. Or maybe you might loan them a car when they’re in town, buy them gift cards, introduce them to your church, or lots of other little ways of saying thank you for the amazing work they do for Jesus Christ. These types of gifts go far beyond what most are willing to do, even if it doesn’t feel totally sufficient in your own mind. Something is better than nothing. Don’t wait until you can do something big. Start right where you are. I would encourage you to look into partnering with a missionary, in particular MAF. They are putting it all on the line to back up the sentiment we’d all like to preach – that God is worthy of it all, our lives included.
Think about it. Pray on it. If you feel led to help, even in a modest way, feel free to contact me and I can put you in touch with some worthy families doing amazing work. You don’t always have to be the warrior, but use your resources more wisely than those who spend them comforting the comfortable. Serve the servers instead!