I’m not from Charlotte, NC. I was born in Virginia, and lived there for the first 11 years of my life, but NC is home. I lived in Charlotte for a few years. Three different times actually. But I’m not “from” Charlotte. It holds no claim to my heart.
For years on social media bios, I’ve claimed to be from Charlotte. I’ve used Charlotte mostly because no one outside NC knows any cities other than Charlotte and Raleigh. It was just easier than explaining. Today while handling some personal business in Stanly County, I realized my real hometown isn’t Charlotte and it isn’t where I live now, but it is Richfield, NC, and it has been all along.
I lived there from 1988 to 2003, and when I left Richfield, the population was 501. I was the 1. To prove my case I was the 1, they literally changed the sign to 500 when I moved away. I am willing to admit it is possible they just rounded down, but a short while later the sign said 512, so my claim to be the 1 still holds true in my mind! Hahaha!
Humor aside, it’s where my hometown always was. Those are my people. I left my heart in Stanly County. So if you saw the location on my social profiles change, it doesn’t mean I’ve moved. I haven’t. It just means I’ve picked being true to my heart instead of being more convenient for everyone else. I love you Richfield. I always have.