Having been involved in the filming of Days of Thunder during my first round of employment at Hendrick Motorsports, I’m a sucker for anything that reminds me of that time. It was a real adventure and I was still young enough to be greatly impacted by the whole process. The video below shows the behind-the-scenes of the making of the movie, and contains a lot of inside knowledge you won’t see anywhere else. Below it are screenshots and scans of other “making of” type things. Enjoy!
Edited February 4, 2017 to remove an old video and add this video:

© Paramount © ESPN Home Video

Edited Sept 9, 2020 to add these photos found on Blogspot and Instagram:

Edited July 7, 2020 to add these photos from the August 1990 edition of All Chevy Magazine:

An original ticket from the Charlotte, NC movie premier: