Sophia Update: We got bad news today. We were told not to expect a remission. After going through several different chemo protocols since February, the Oncologist feels we are on the best one, and this protocol is failing. The current thinking is to continue this path for around 2 months, at which time she feels we’ll reach a point where it is no longer effective. After that, there will be “other” things we can do, but none will be as effective as the diminishing course we are on currently. We’ve done the best we could for our little three-legged wondergirl, but to know for sure you’re losing the battle is hard. We don’t have kids, but to us, our dogs are family. Sophia is our doghter. To some people, that’s a silly notion, but to us it is very real. I’m not asking for prayers, but I am asking fellow pet lovers to squeeze them extra hard tonight, and kiss their little heads. Love them while they’re here.