Legendary drag racer and friend Wally Bell passed away yesterday. Wally was a nice man who took time to give a personal touch to the business of motorsports. He supplied me with t-shirts of his various cars for years, and as a young boy, you were likely to see me wearing them. In person, he always made time for me, and would stop whenever and wherever he was to say hello and check in with me. In addition, I’ve talked to others with whom Wally did the exact same kind and gracious things. That sort of unselfishness and genuine concern for a child stuck with me, and we maintained contact for around 40 years. Wally helped to shape the person I tried to be in my time in motorsports, and for that I will be forever grateful. He was a wonderful ambassador for the business of racing, and one of the better people I’ve met. He will be terribly missed by many. Thank you for the memories Wally.